What do brokers do?

  • Give you access to the stock exchange
    This is only partly right.
  • Fulfill buy and sell orders on your behalf
    This is only partly right.
  • Recommend the best stocks to buy and sell
    No, that’s not right.
  • 1 and 2
    That’s right!

What kind of fees do brokers charge?

  • Fixed fees
    This is only partly right.
  • Transaction fees
    This is only partly right.
  • Risky asset fees
    No, that’s not right.
  • Both 1. and 2.
    That’s right!

How can you buy or sell shares on an exchange without a broker?

  • Physically go to the exchange to trade
    Not even brokers physically go to the exchange anymore.
  • Use the software provided by the exchange
    No, that’s not right.
  • You can’t
    That’s right!
  • Buy stocks with high liquidity, which makes them easier to get
    No, that’s not right.

If you’re investing with Vivid, what piece of extra software do you need?

  • A Bloomberg Terminal
  • A Refinitiv Eikon
  • A Dow Jones subscription
  • None, the Vivid app has everything you need

What is Vivid’s main fee when investing?

  • A flat 0.99 euro fee per trade
  • A 2% cut on all profits
  • A 0.5% markup when exchanging currencies
  • A 4.99 euro fee if your account falls below 100 euros


of 5

🔥 Nice!

You are firmly on your feet and seem to be ready to enter the stock market, but you are still stumbling over some issues. Our course will help you walk lightly and confidently. But be prepared to act on your own in the future.
Lesson 3

An Introduction to Bonds

Lesson 3

An Introduction to Bonds

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