What is it called when a company issues shares for the first time?

  • Primary share sale
    Some people might call it that, but there’s a better-known term.
  • Share buyback
    No, this is something else.
  • Initial Public Offering
    That’s right!
  • Merger
    No, this is something else.

Who benefits when a stock is bought and sold after the IPO?

  • The company
    No, they only benefit from the IPO or from new share issues.
  • The buyer or seller
    That’s right!
  • No one, the market balances out the winners and losers
    No, this is not true.
  • Warren Buffett
    No, though he’s benefited from a lot of stock sales to be sure.

Which of these is NOT a reason share prices rise or fall?

  • Share buybacks
    No, shares do move on this.
  • The company’s financial health
    No, shares do move on this.
  • Reddit
    No, shares do move on this.
  • All of those are reasons stocks move
    That’s right!

What are bulls and bears?

  • Bulls believe prices will rise, bears believe they’ll fall
    That’s right!
  • Bulls believe prices will fall, bears believe they’ll rise
    No, that’s not right.
  • Bulls don’t care about prices, bears only care about prices
    No, that’s not right.
  • Bulls want to make money, bears want to lose it
    No, that’s not right.

What will make you more money, stocks or bonds?

  • Stocks
    No, that’s not right.
  • Bonds
    No, that’s not right.
  • Both provide the exact same return
    No, that’s not right.
  • Returns can not be predicted like that
    That’s right!


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Lesson 5

ETFs: how to invest in hundreds of companies easily

Lesson 5

ETFs: how to invest in hundreds of companies easily

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